Tim Richardson

1. My name is Tim Richardson, I am an Enduring Freedom veteran, having served 2 tours of duty under its banner in different locations.

2. I have known Daniel Lakemacher his whole life, I have been friends with his older brother Matt since we were 2 years old.

3. I am convinced Daniel is sincere because I know him fairly well and therefore know he is sincere. Even though I personally do not agree that all war is immoral, I do agree that the Iraq War is immoral and furthermore that he is sincere in his vows because he has defended his positions well using what I thought was genuine and well-reasoned argumentation building upon solid subjective premises that led him to his controversial conclusion. So while some of his logic and reasoning can definitely be called into question, indeed should be, I do not at all question his sincerity in this matter.

I myself had considered being a conscientious objector in light of the Iraq War once, but decided I myself was not committed nor sincere enough to rise to such a high level that this status requires. However, reading over Daniel's myriad writings on the web on Facebook and his website, and knowing him for so long, I have concluded what any other reasonable person would: that he is, in fact, sincere.

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