Name Withheld

From: Name withheld, USN, XXX-XX-XXXX
To: Navy Personnel Command
Via: Commanding Officer, Naval Health Clinic Great Lakes, Illinois


Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 1900-020

1. A description of my view of HM2’s beliefs as they pertain to applying for conscientious objector status:

a. Several years ago Petty Officer Lakemacher approached me asking for information and advice in regards to him attempting to attend and make it through BUD/S. I have known him for most of my life so logically I was the person he’d ask. As with most things, HM2’s plans were thought out and my counsel was mostly in the areas of how to better train and to dispel some commonly held misconceptions about our training. Throughout those months of emails and phone calls I was looking for signs of intense motivation because, frankly, I didn’t want him to waste his time if I could see a lack of the necessary enthusiasm. I felt that he had, at that point, the requisite amount needed to make a good attempt.

b. After HM2 joined the Navy in 2005, we kept in touch from time to time. It was several months after his joining that he informed me of his change in plans as far as him not going to BUD/S. I want to emphasize here that his reasons, as I read them, were not due to a shift in philosophy, rather a simple career path shift.

c. Our correspondence over the next few years was sporadic for the most part, simple congenialities. Several months ago, however, he informed me of his plans to file a conscientious objector package. I was initially surprised, but upon more questioning and his explaining I could see how his personal philosophy had changed. Enough so, that his service was incompatible with his beliefs.

d. Personally, I do not agree with quite a few of his views. E.g. I believe in the Christian God, I feel there are just wars and I actually enjoy fighting them. But simply because I disagree with his philosophy doesn’t make them less valid. In my view, and as the MILPERSMAN reads, Petty Officer Lakemacher does meet the qualifications for this status. His views are solid, well thought out and counter to any service in our fighting forces. This makes him fully eligible to receive conscientious objector status.

2. My contact information, if the investigating officer or Commanding Officer wishes to question me further.

Withheld for security reasons

Very respectfully,

Name withheld

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